
Saturday 22 April 2023

how to check the total number of days my domain was registered

 how to check the total number of days my domain was registered 

When you register a domain name, it is important to keep track of how long it has been since you registered it. This information can help you determine the age of your website, as well as its domain authority. In this article, we will discuss how to check the total number of days your domain has been registered I also use this method.

Find a WHOIS Lookup Tool

The first step in checking the total number of days your domain has been registered is to find a WHOIS lookup tool. WHOIS is a protocol that allows you to look up information about domain names, including their registration details, name servers, and contact information. There are many WHOIS lookup tools available online, some of which are free, while others charge a fee. Some popular WHOIS lookup tools include:


The official WHOIS lookup tool provided by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Domain Tools 

A popular WHOIS lookup tool that provides detailed information about domain names, including their history, ownership, and DNS records.


A free WHOIS lookup tool that provides basic information about domain names, including their registration date, expiration date, and name servers.

Enter Your Domain Name

Once you have found a WHOIS lookup tool, enter your domain name in the search box and click on the search button. The tool will search the WHOIS database for information about your domain name.

Find the Registration Date 

The WHOIS lookup tool will display various information about your domain name, including its registration date, expiration date, name servers, and contact information. Look for the registration date, which will indicate when the domain name was first registered with the domain registrar.

Calculate the Number of Days 

To calculate the total number of days your domain name has been registered, subtract the registration date from the current date. You can use an online date calculator or a spreadsheet program to do this calculation.

For example, if your domain name was registered on January 1, 2020, and today's date is April 22, 2023, the total number of days your domain has been registered is:

April 22, 2023 - January 1, 2020, = 842 days

In this example, your domain has been registered for 842 days, or approximately two years and three months.


Checking the total number of days your domain name has been registered is a simple process that involves using a WHOIS lookup tool to find the registration date and calculating the number of days between the registration date and the current date. Knowing the total number of days your domain has been registered can be useful for tracking the age of your website and its domain authority. By following these steps, you can easily check the total number of days your domain has been registered and use this information to improve your online presence thanks for reading.

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